Xperience Jesus is a project that is a completely inspired by the Holy Spirit. I could not have thought of this on my own. It was actually born out of conversations I have had with a good friend and Christian brother about the condition of the current church as a whole; the way it has changed from the way it was at the beginning as recorded in Acts. I realize that the church has adapted to generational changes in order to attract the youth and to continue church growth. But there have been major changes across the many sects and denominations that are not scriptural. Additionally, many churches have given in to the wants and desires of the people. The gospel has been watered down; the teaching of Hell (yes, it’s a real and literal place) and Satan has been removed; and much of the Old Testament isn’t even taught anymore because of the “violence”. Pastors and ministers seem to be afraid to speak the truth of God’s Word and are more concerned about people’s feelings and comfort, not wanting to offend anyone. I’m not saying all churches are this way, but it is certainly a direction the church, as a whole, is going. I would say that many people are flocking to some of the “mega” churches for the experience of the glitter; that is, the smoke and mirrors. The big stage, lights that change color, big screens/monitors, decorations, etc. I won’t say that the Holy Spirit is not affecting people in these settings, but how many people are going for the concert? Sure, they’re going to hear a message too and they may even be affected by that if they allow the Holy Spirit to move within them. I’m not judging the individuals that attend these events or services. I’m just judging by what I see in videos.
So, because of all of these situations, the Lord has put it upon my heart to start this project – Xperience Jesus – To be a true follower of Christ; to be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer; to be busy about the Father’s business.
About Me
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 7 years old – June 1, 1965. You may ask if I understood what I was doing. The answer is a resounding, “YES!” I will never forget that moment. My dad was sitting in a blue Naugahyde recliner and I was sitting on his lap. I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my heart. A few weeks later I was baptized in the Baptist church we attended in Chula Vista, CA. My dad was a deacon, my mom played piano and organ and they both sang in the choir. My brother and also sang and sometimes the four of us would sing together. Unfortunately, a few years later my dad left us and divorced my mom. We moved to Escondido after my mom remarried and we began attending what would have then been a mega church.
Not long after I graduated high school I wanted to taste the world. I wouldn’t say I left the Lord, more like I put Him on a shelf and would go to Him more out of need than desire. I worked for a company that grew European Cucumbers in greenhouses and eventually moved to Lake Elsinore, CA to manage their property and greenhouses there. Not long after that I moved to Oklahoma for a short time. While in Oklahoma I got into some trouble, spent 3 days in jail and joined the Marine Corps. I was really getting a taste of the world, and it wasn’t too pleasant.
Several years later, a marriage, divorce and foreclosure, I moved to the Chino, CA area and had a job as an electrician. Through a friend I had met doing electrical work, I met my current wife, Robin. There is no doubt that the Lord brought us together. She invited me to church and it was so good to get back. I had been missing it. After attending for several months, I got involved with the Men’s Bible Study and became an usher. I also realized that I hadn’t understood what faith was. Either I was never taught or it was not explained to me in a way that was understandable. If I had understood faith when I was 17, my life probably would have been completely different. However, the path I took was certainly not in vain. God still used it and I learned a great deal.
Fast forward to today. I have been in music my entire life. I played trumpet for 10 years – through my senior year in high school. I started playing guitar about 22 years ago and I’m still not all that good (lol). I hurt my neck in 1996 when I was an electrician and had a double discectomy surgery. I decided to learn to play the guitar while I was recuperating so I could play in the convalescent homes when I was leading church services. When we started attending our current church (the night the church had its first service), I wanted to be part of the worship team. We were already friends of the pastor and I served with him at our previous church so there wasn’t an issue with me joining the worship team. I have been a part of the worship team ever since (14 ½ years). About 4 ½ years ago my pastor asked me to take over as worship leader. After much prayer I agreed to take on this position. A year later he asked me to be a deacon, and, again, after much prayer and consideration I agreed. In December 2016 I was ordained as the Worship Pastor/Minister of Music. It was probably 20 years ago that the Lord told me I would be a pastor, but I thought it would be much sooner than it was. However, I know that everything is done in His time.
I am very excited about this Xperience Jesus project and where it will go. Only God knows the future, but I’m ready to be part of His work.